Unreal Engine 101

SUNDAYS 4:30 – 8:15pm

4/27/25 to 6/15/25

Unreal Engine is the world’s most open and advanced real-time 3D creation tool. Continuously evolving to serve not only its original purpose as a state-of-the-art game engine, today it gives creators across industries the freedom and control to deliver cutting-edge content, interactive experiences, and immersive virtual worlds.

This introductory class will cover the basics needed for understanding Unreal. Instruction will begin with the assumption that you know little to nothing about Unreal. You will start by creating your own map (3D Interactive Environment) with the instructor. By the end of this class you will have a better understanding of level creation, materials, importing 3D models and animations, blueprint and much more. The class will be easy going and fun. For more information Click Here!

Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the computer and experience with graphics software is best.  Unreal Engine requires that you have a 2020 or newer Mac or PC with 8 GB of VRAM and at least 16 GB of RAM.  A large screen monitor (2 is best!) and the use of a full keyboard with a 3-button mouse is essential, especially for anyone using a laptop.

To sign up for this class, email registration@studioarts.com.

Click here for other funding information.

Milton Mariscal
