Working on animated films, feature films, and commercials during the past 20 years, Frederic Durand has had the opportunity to work at Sony Imageworks, Disney Animation, DreamWorks, Jim Henson’s Workshop, the Mill, MPC and Digital Domain. He is the co-founder of Noroc Studio. His film credits include Harry Potter 2, Tombraider 1 and 2, Shark Tales, Chicken Little, Monster House, Beowulf, SpeedRacers, 2012 among others. As a leading lighting artist, his approach is not only technical, but also artistic. He heavily emphasizes and integrates aspects of cinematography into his approach.
He also teaches lighting and shading at several schools and universities, notably at The Gnomon School Of Visual Effects (including a series of instructional DVDs about computer generated illumination), The Global Cinematography Institute, The New York film Academy, the Otis College of Design in Los Angeles and now Studio Arts. Frederic graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs (ENSAD) in Paris, France. Additionally, during his master’s program, he completed a one year student exchange appointment at Cooper Union in NYC.